
Posts Tagged ‘choline’

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What do you make for dinner when you realize it’s already after 5:00pm, the day got away from you without a thought about dinner or a corresponding trip to the store? Many in this situation simply don’t make dinner, and instead head off to a favorite restaurant. But for those times when you don’t want to leave the home just to feed yourself or your family, consider an omelet! The omelet for dinner is a cooking “trick” of the French. Open the fridge, chop up whatever remaining bits of meat or vegetable you find, whisk a few eggs in a pan, stuff and serve. Et voila!

Before I turned low-carb and subsequently Paleo, I might have boiled some pasta and thrown in a few veggies from the fridge. But pasta rarely makes an appearance in my kitchen these days–with the exception of gluten-free pasta to appease the kids. An omelet serves the same purpose with some significant added benefits.

Many consider eggs one of the most perfect foods. An individual egg offers 6 grams of protein along with a substantial amount of selenium and Vitamin B2. Eggs are one of the best dietary sources of choline, a B-complex vitamin associated with improved neurological function, reduced inflammation and happiness. And in case you hadn’t noticed yet, eggs are rich in sulfur, a nutrient your body needs to produce collagen and keratin (for good skin and nails and shiny hair). Sulfur also aids vitamin B absorption and liver function. And last but not least, eggs have the most easily digestible amino acids of any other protein–at least for humans.

Just like with the quiche recipe I posted a few weeks ago, you can add pretty much anything you like to an omelet, and it’s obviously much fast and easier to whip up than a quiche. I tend to keep a small glass container full of slow-roasted cherry tomatoes in my fridge so I can pop a few in my mouth when the hunger pains arrive, or easily add some in an omelet along with fresh herbs from the garden. Served with a cooked greens or a fresh green salad, an omelet makes a complete, delicious and healthy meal.



3 organic eggs (preferably pastured hens)

A splash of milk or water

Extra-virgin olive oil

1/2 cup roasted cherry tomatoes (recipe below)

1-2 tbsp fresh herbs, such as oregano, parsley, thyme and basil

1/4 cup quality feta (I use sheep milk feta)

Sea salt and fresh-ground pepper to taste

Fresh chives, finely chopped for optional garnish



Whisk the eggs and milk (or water) in a small bowl until thoroughly blended.

Heat a little olive oil in an omelet pan or well-season cast iron skillet over medium-low heat. Pour in the egg mixture and cook, gently lifting the edges with a spatula, until nearly set, about 5 minutes. Add the herbs, tomatoes and feta to one half of the circle and carefully fold the plain half over. Cook for an additional 2-3 minutes. Sprinkle the chopped chives and serve immediately.


Slow-roasted tomatoes 

Preheat oven to 350F.

In a medium bowl, add a pint of cherry tomatoes with a drizzle of olive oil, and toss to coat evenly. Season with salt and pepper. Pour out onto a large rimmed baking sheet (or a large cast-iron skillet) and roast in the oven for 30-40 minutes or until the tomatoes caramelize.

Allow to cool before transferring to a glass container. Keeps in the fridge for up to a week.



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